Lead nurturing is when you develop relationships with your prospective buyers at every stage of your sales funnel and through every step of the buyer’s journey.
The idea of a video lead nurture campaign is to post a sponsored video to your target audience and then create custom Facebook audiences from the viewers who watched your video. You can then retarget those custom audiences with the next video (or an image ad) and so on.
Driving video views is affordable on Facebook. You could make a Facebook custom audience consisting of about 25,000 people for $1,000 if you assume a CPV (cost per view) of $0.04, or a custom audience of 2,500 people for $100. Retargeting a custom audience will give you better results because these are people who already know your brand.
Why Video Is so Effective in Lead Nurture Campaigns
Here are a few reasons why video is so great to use in lead nurture campaigns:
Video grabs your audience’s attention. People are drawn more towards moving images. Incorporating vibrant colors, clear typography, and good music in your video will increase the chances your audience will pay attention to your ad.
Video lets you target audience segments with relevant messages.
Video has a higher brand, message, and ad recall than image ads. Once viewers have seen your video ad, they’ll be more likely to remember what you’re all about than if you used still images. According to Hyperfine Media, 80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days.
Video packs more information, but can still be entertaining. Once you have viewers’ attention, a video can convey much more information than images. It’s important to make the most of that moment and deliver the value viewers want and need. It’s estimated that 1 minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words.
Create Videos for Your Lead Nurture Campaign
What sort of recordings would it be advisable for you to make for each progression of the pipe? Since each progression requires an alternate concentration, you’ll require three distinct recordings. Making three recordings may appear like a tall assignment, however, it’s a considerable measure less demanding and snappier than you may suspect. Also, at times it can bode well to toss in a picture promotion or blog post as one of the means.
One basic misguided judgment about video promoting is that you’ll have to enlist on-screen characters, camera people, and a costly video creation organization, and after that hold-up weeks or months to get the outcome. Nowadays, online video tools make it simple for advertisers to make recordings rapidly and reasonably.
You can configuration lead sustain crusades to be channel-particular (Facebook or a site, for instance) or omni-channel (a best of-the-pipe (TOFU) video on Facebook, a demo on site, and so forth.). This article concentrates on Facebook crusades, yet you can apply these strategies to any channel setup you need.
Video can be used on many channels.
So let’s go through the three kinds of videos you’ll need to create for your lead nurture campaign.
Top-of-the-Funnel Video
TOFU video ads are comprehensively appeared to your objective market and frequently depend on statistic as well as psychographic pointers, independent of expectation. In these recordings, you introduce your organization to clients.
A TOFU video needs to engage your crowd on an individual level, helping individuals see more about the arrangement you can accommodate their issues. This video additionally needs to grab watchers’ advantage at first. The strategy you use to get consideration can likewise be utilized as a part of other channel portions to make progression and recognition.
You’ll have to adjust your video for your business, however, all in all, it ought to be an initial introduction of your image.
Middle-of-the-Funnel Video
The center of-the-channel (MOFU) video is the place you show your leads why you’re the privileged choice for them. Position your item as the solution to your prospects’ needs or issues and offer it as the best decision. Contextual analyses, tributes, interviews, online classes, and showings are all MOFU exercises.
Tributes are an extraordinary decision for MOFU recordings; endeavor to adjust them for whichever channel you’re advancing them on. In case you’re posting the video as a Facebook advertisement, keep it short and to the point. In case you’re posting it on your site, you have somewhat more space.
On the off chance that you’re focusing on will be on point and you’ve effectively presented your image, the center of the channel is an extraordinary place to start searching for transformations. Tribute recordings are somewhat harder to make by and large, and they’re exceedingly reliant on what sort of business you have. Take a stab at placing yourself in the shoes of your imminent clients and let the voices of momentum clients wrap everything up for you.
Bottom-of-the-Funnel Video
The base of-the-channel (BOFU) video is the place you go in for the snare. You’ve employed your prospects with compassion and significant data about how you’ll take care of their concern. This is the ideal opportunity to let that intense invitation to take action out of the bag and try to get your prospect/prompt change over, regardless of whether that is agreeing to accept your email bulletin or purchasing your item.
Set Up a Lead Nurture Campaign on Facebook
After you’ve arranged out your battle and made your recordings, you’re prepared to take your show out and about. To set up your lead sustain crusade on Facebook, create an ad campaign with the Video Views objective, use your favored focusing on settings, and then run the battle.
At the point when the battle is done, you’ll have two new custom gatherings of people in Facebook Power Editor. One custom gathering of people is comprised of clients who viewed your entire video. For instance, the crusade appeared in the picture beneath had 600 finished perspectives. Those watchers demonstrated a genuine enthusiasm for the business.
After your crusade is done, you’ll have two new custom groups of onlookers.
The other custom group of onlookers is comprised of clients who observed piece of the video. The battle appeared in the picture above had 3,200 perspectives. These are watchers who viewed no less than 3 seconds of the video yet didn’t finish it.
Presently you’ll need to set up another advertisement crusade with your next video, and use one of your new custom gatherings of people as the intended interest group.
Target your next campaign to one of your new custom audiences.
This is where you’ll go with the MOFU or BOFU ad. Your choice depends on how complex the purchasing journey is and where on that journey your customer currently is (after your previous ad). Experiment to find your sweet spot.
Finally, evaluate, adjust, and iterate.